initial loss

英 [ɪˈnɪʃl lɒs] 美 [ɪˈnɪʃl lɔːs]

网络  初始损失; 初始径流损失



  1. Not all techniques that led to initial weight loss were associated with weight maintenance, however.
  2. But, the editorial concedes, the degree to which these benefits counteract the initial loss is open to question.
  3. According to an initial investigation, a sudden loss of power caused the signal system to fail, forcing the trains to be operated manually, Shanghai Shentong Metro Group Company said in a statement.
  4. Some patients worry unnecessarily about the initial weight loss.
  5. A fund that seeks to provide safety of capital as its main objective will look for ways to protect your initial investment from loss.
  6. These effects of the exchange-rate depreciation do not erase the effect of initial loss of export income.
  7. In initial stage of decomposition, litter loss accorded with an exponential attenuation model.
  8. During the initial period of the disease, loss of appetite, loss of surface luster, becoming there is no clear sense of the Qing Baize.
  9. In two cases, the reasons for the initial graft loss in the retransplantation group were pancreatitis with hemorrhagic bleeding and in the third case severe rejection.
  10. The result indicated that better microstructure, higher initial permeability, lower loss and higher density can be obtained for higher quenching speed.
  11. When the specific surface area was more than 400m2/ kg, with the increasing of specific surface area, the reduce of cement initial fluidity and the fluidity loss were obvious.
  12. Effects of Initial Chirp and Fiber Loss on Soliton-effect Picosecond Pulse Compression in Optical Fibers
  13. Initial Study on Impairment Loss of Fixed Assets Back to the Accounting
  14. It drew the conclusion that initial fullness-rate, heat loss and pressure of cryogenic vessel had important influence on non-loss storage and transportation.
  15. An initial approach to measure soil loss amount of farmland on weir and mound using~ ( 137) Cs method
  16. Mg and K exhibited a relatively rapid initial loss in the light of concentration and content, thereafter followed a steady decrease.
  17. The decision-making method of earthquake-resistant fortification standards of engineering structures, which is based on the initial cost analysis and the earthquake loss analysis of structures, is presented.
  18. Divided Standards of Rice False Smut ( RFS) and Initial Measurement of Output Loss Due to RFS
  19. The effects of quadratic buckling, support conditions, stiffener rigidity, welding seam, elastic modulus and initial curvature on the loss in stability are discussed.
  20. The transpiration of trees was mainly cuticle transformation under initial loss turgor point.
  21. The surface grain size and thickness of scale vary with temperature, and the initial wear loss increases with increasing grain size, and same tendency is observed for the total wear loss vs the thickness of scale.
  22. The results of research on the workability of HBC concrete show that HBC concrete, when compared with OPC concrete, has excellent compatibility with superplasticizer, in terms of better initial fluidity, less slump loss, definite saturation point and less dosage at saturation point.
  23. The theoretical analysis and experimental study of filtering and inverse washing performance of sandy filter used in water-saving irrigation project have been done. A new relation equation of filter resistant coefficient and Reynolds number and a new calculating formula of initial head loss have been presented.
  24. However, its commercial use has been hindered by poor cycling performance and large initial irreversible capacity loss. Firstly, the electrochemical properties of bulk and nano-silicon particles were characterized.
  25. The decision-making method of the model is based on the initial cost analysis and the earthquake loss analysis of structures.
  26. In this model, a risk loss event is attributed to risk trigger cause which lead to the initial loss and successor causes which affect the initial loss.
  27. The graph pictures how each risk cause leads to the loss event. The nodes data includes the initial loss and the loss effect multiplier of successor cause to its previous causes.